Quantum Chimney Services status as providers or independent and specialist services allows us to provide a range of services to assist Environmental Health Officers and Local Authority Building Control.
Smoke nuisance cases often lead to our involvement with EHO’s, where our expertise is utilised to inspect and report on nuisance installations and assist in determining whether cause or blame can be apportioned and providing potential solutions to rectify the perceived problems. Much of our involvement has led to us being involved with the delivery of specific CPD or lecture workshops, to enable EHO’s to be better informed on what they should look out for when attending smoke nuisance cases, how to interpret documentation and where to seek further assistance.
Much of our involvement with LABC’s has arisen when suspected defects or issues have arisen on site with new or altered solid fuel installations, whether incorrect construction, unsafe materials or suspected poor installation.
For further information on the services we can provide, please contact us and we will be happy to assist.
We have offered a brief outline of some of our services which may be of interest below. Again, please contact us directly for further information.